Pp Carpet Yarn
Bu ilan Hasırcı Teskstıl Tıcaret Ve Sanayı Ltd Stı adlı şirket tarafından Pp Carpet Yarn konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak Gaziantep ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
İlan No'su:
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İlan Konusu:
Pp Carpet Yarn
İlan Detayları:
Hasirci Textile is one of the leading company in Gaziantep/Turkey, and was found at 2002..At he moment our capacity is 700 mt/month and after August will be 1.100 mt/month so we are looking for trustable and believeable customer for contuniously business.
Counts :Between 1100dtex and 3300 dtex/Production can be 2ply for this counts.
Filaments :140
Colour :172 standart( we can do your colour-matching)
Type :Textured, Intermingled, Twisted, Heat-Set, Frised.
Capacity of production:30 tons/day
Packing :Palet
Kg of bobbibs :Between 2, 5 and 5kg constant weigth which spesified by customer request.
Delivery :Prompt
For more information you can visit our web site..If you interested in to us If you interested in our products do not hesitate to contact me througth.We look forward your reply.
Best Regards,
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Hasırcı Teskstıl Tıcaret Ve Sanayı Ltd Stı talep ve ilanları
Pp Carpet YarnHasirci Textile is one of the leading company in Gaziantep/Turkey, and was found at 2002..At he moment our capacity is 700 mt/month and after August
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