Pp Bıg Bag - Fıbc - Jumbo Bags
Bu ilan Ekopack Textıle & Packagıng Materıals Co.ltd.because Our Companys Name İs Often Confused With The Name Of Another 3m,we Have Decided To Rename Our Com adlı şirket tarafından Pp Bıg Bag - Fıbc - Jumbo Bags konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İstanbul ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
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Pp Bıg Bag - Fıbc - Jumbo Bags
İlan Detayları:
3M TEXTILE has established as a major Polpropylene & Poliester Dust Proof cordel, polypropylene Tie String, B-Lock, Fix-Locks and the other big bag accesories manufacturer and polypropylene bulk bags (FIBCs) supplier in Istanbul. We have been in the bulk business for 2 years and working with European countries and the others local companies in Turkey. We have a wide range of FIBCs and the other packaging materials and accessories. We also produce any kind of bulk bags and every king of packaging materials at the reguest of customers. Meanwhile loops and bands for the FIBCs are also available at our company. Our monthly production capacity is about 75.000 kilos Cordel and Tie-Strings. We would like to cooperate with your company if you wish to work with us. Our target is customer satisfaction and to produce the best quality packaging materials, accessories and supply every kind of bulk bags. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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Ekopack Textıle & Packagıng Materıals Co.ltd.because Our Companys Name İs Often Confused With The Name Of Another 3m,we Have Decided To Rename Our Com talep ve ilanları
Pp Bıg Bag - Fıbc - Jumbo Bags3M TEXTILE has established as a major Polpropylene & Poliester Dust Proof cordel, polypropylene Tie String, B-Lock, Fix-Locks and the other big bag
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