Lead Cover,lead Room,leaded Door,xray Products
Bu ilan Stanleysxray Systems adlı şirket tarafından Lead Cover,lead Room,leaded Door,xray Products konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İstanbul ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
İlan No'su:
İlan Tipi:
Sektörü / Kategorisi:
Son Başvuru Tarihi:
İlan Konusu:
Lead Cover,lead Room,leaded Door,xray Products
İlan Detayları:
Stanley xray systems, xray machines, working rooms containing radiation
(x-ray, mr, operating theaters, radio therapy) in order to guard against
radiation in the wall of lead, lead yapar.bu ceiling and floor coverings
industry knowledge and experience to lead to zero false positives and
follow the lead makes the coating jobs. (service) .. the xray stanleyxray,
with the exception of nuclear medicine and nuclear science programs
verir.nükleer transportation-related projects, and hosting service boxes,
each material used in the waste tanks .. the lead covering serves the
standards and specifications that do not comply, and all materials used in
workmanship and comply with the requirements of all countries that
tested nuclear energy .ever institutions in the country by taking the
job, will deliver jobs and deliver energy that institutions work okey URLs
responds to service requests ..
A) RADIOLOGY rooms for Xra
Talep / İlan Sahibi Firma:
İlan Kelimeler:
x-ray rooms,
lead room,
lead-covered room,
doors lead,
leaded doors,
leaded walls,
radiology room,
surgery lead,
lead the hospital room,
hospital lead,
the hospital doors,
lead glass,
lead separator,
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Stanleysxray Systems talep ve ilanları
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