Gas Detectors
Bu ilan İtek Gaz adlı şirket tarafından Gas Detectors konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İstanbul ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
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Gas Detectors
İlan Detayları:
This product will detect combustible gases in the air. Once gas is detected a buzzer and a red light will come on. Green light will appear to indicate standby mode.
The green and red LEDs indicate alarm/non-alarm situations. Red light will come on and buzzer will sound when there is dangerous amount of combustible gas in the air. Once it is safe, the green light will come on to indicate the unit is in the standby mode and it is safe to be in that area.
FXD Gas Dedectors will detect combustible gases and works only with 220V electric supply. The gas dedectors are maintenance free for the duration of the warranty.
FXD Gas Dedectors will come on if there is combustible gas in the air. Once gas is dedected, the buzzer will sound and the red light will come on. Once it is safe( no gas in the air), the green light will come on and will be in the standby mode.
FXD gas dedectors, for the first time, is plugged into the 220v outlet, the red ligt will come on and the
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İtek Gaz talep ve ilanları
Gas DetectorsThis product will detect combustible gases in the air. Once gas is detected a buzzer and a red light will come on. Green light will appear to indicate
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