Bu ilan Doruk Ağaç A.ş. adlı şirket tarafından Doors konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İstanbul ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
İlan No'su:
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Son Başvuru Tarihi:
İlan Konusu:
İlan Detayları:
As our houses are supposedly the most private living areas of our lives,
they generally reflect our choices in terms of function and aesthetics.
The connection point linking these private places to each other are the
Door's ant these criteria show themselves on the doors. The entry of
those who live in the house and of the guests into the house is realized
through these doors. Doruk Agac, having this approach in mind has
been trying to develop a new concept in door business. The functional
properties of the doors are now very important and also their harmony
to the place they are in is of great concern. A door is not only
something which separates two rooms but it should be in harmony with
the furniture in the rooms.
Talep / İlan Sahibi Firma:
İlan Kelimeler:
klasik kapi,
mobilya kapi,
dekoratif kapi,
panel kapi,
laminat kapi,
yangina dayanikli kapi,
finger joint,
kapi modelleri,
ahsap kapi,
kapi model,
kapi modeli,
kapi amerikan,
ahsap amerikan kapi,
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Doruk Ağaç A.ş. talep ve ilanları
DoorsAs our houses are supposedly the most private living areas of our lives, they generally reflect our choices in terms of function and aesthetics. ...
İlan Sayfasına Geri Dön
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