Business Offer
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Business Offer
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Our company, Zümrüt Triko established in 1997; is a leading Turkish manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of knitwear and garments for women. Our factory is located in Istanbul/Turkey on 3000 sqm closed area and equipped with higher production technologies. Our monthly capacities are 12.000 pieces knitwear and 7000 pieces ready made garments. We are producing creative, fashionable and high quality garments. We have our imaginative mode designers who create our own collections in every season. Zümrüt continues its production, without changing unique style of brand which is elegant, emotional and creative, with highest technology and professional team who carries the spirit of brand. Zümrüt Triko achieves to be the addict of women, who feel themselves different, by combining the richness of woman spirit with the spirit of brand, with natty embroideries. Our creative mode designers, who could analysis the life style of our customers and bring them together with the natural creati
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Ad&n Danışmanlık Ve Dış Ticaret Şirketi talep ve ilanları
Be Your Agent In TurkeyWe are located in Istanbul/Turkey. We're an apparel sourcing/buying agency looking for new customers in Europe and USA. We're experts in ...
Hazır Stok Ürünümüz Mevcutturfirmamız hakkında kısaca bilgi vermek istiyorum.1997 yılında kurulan ZÜMRÜT TEKSTİL TRİKO SAN VE TİC LTD ŞTİ, bayan dış giyim ürünlerinin üretim ...
Business OfferOur company, Zümrüt Triko established in 1997; is a leading Turkish manufacturer and exporter of different kinds of knitwear and garments for women.
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