Ats Trafo
Bu ilan Ats Trafo adlı şirket tarafından Ats Trafo konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak Adıyaman ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
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İlan Konusu:
Ats Trafo
İlan Detayları:
In 2003, Adiyaman founded in Organized Industrial Zone ATS transformer, three-phase
and tekfazl, in connection with the production of oil Distribution and Power
Transformers, 15.000 m2 open and 10.000 m2 closed total area 25.000 m2 , in
accordance with the specified cooling system to the standard 36 kV high voltage and
25-5000 until kV power distribution and power up to 50 mVA in the production of power
transformers and experienced staff offers customers with quality equipment. ATS also
manufactures transformers in oil, which is a special type transformer needs of its
customers. (Example: TPAO Turkey edemeyip also supply special types of orders that
America now produces only 260 kV transformer substation ATS in Turkey.)
Plug-in Bushing'l transformers,
Cable box transformers,
Hermetic type transformers,
Auto transformers,
Grounding transformers,
Low loss (aoak and other) transformers,
power transformers up to 10,000 kVA oven,
Current rectifier transformers,
Under Load Tap Changer transformers,
ATS transformer manufacturing:
Experienced staff and quality equipment,
High-quality materials,
Optimum design and high efficiency,
Short term delivery assessment,
After-sales service of 7/24,
designed to evaluate the environmental organization,
Continuous development of the project design,
Independent testing is continuing with laboratory.
Saygılarımla / Best Regards
Talep / İlan Sahibi Firma:
İlan Kelimeler:
İlana yanıt verebilmek için TurkBusinessCenter'a üye olmalısınız.
Üye Giriş - Üye olmak için tıklayınız
Ats Trafo talep ve ilanları
Ats TrafoIn 2003, Adiyaman founded in Organized Industrial Zone ATS transformer, three-phase and tekfazl, in connection with the production of oil Distri
İlan Sayfasına Geri Dön
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