Atlas Kitchen
Bu ilan Doremi Furniture Co.,ltd adlı şirket tarafından Atlas Kitchen konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İzmir ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
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Atlas Kitchen
İlan Detayları:
Doremi Furniture Co., Ltd. established in 1991 in Izmir/TURKEY is one of the leading professional manufacturer of all kind of furniture, combining design, production and marketing. With the advantages like production quality according to demands, superior service, and individual furniture design culture, our company gained a good reputation during the past 16 years in domestic market. We have two production center. In one of them we produce kitchen and bathroom furniture and in the other one we produce living room sets, dinning room sets, wall units, bedroom sets and hotel furniture. In our production area we have the latest technologic machines from Germany. And we can produce a big amount of furniture for a short time because of our big output capacity.
In order to improve our productivity, capacity and quality you can send us your special orders to prove our productivity and quality.
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Doremi Furniture Co.,ltd talep ve ilanları
Atlas KitchenDoremi Furniture Co., Ltd. established in 1991 in Izmir/TURKEY is one of the leading professional manufacturer of all kind of furniture, combining
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