Aladdin Baba's Turkish Delight
Bu ilan Qualles Danışmanlık Ve Dış Ticaret Hizmetleri adlı şirket tarafından Aladdin Baba's Turkish Delight konusu ile girilmiştir. Firma bu ilanı Satım talebi, ilanı olarak İstanbul ilinden vermiştir. İlgilendiğiniz Talep/İlan bilgileri aşağıdadır.
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Aladdin Baba's Turkish Delight
İlan Detayları:
Lokum that orginally name of Turkish Delight, comes from Ottoman Language as Rahat Ul Hulkum. This word means, relaxing to mouth. Turkish Delight knows in Anatolia since 15th century. Especially, Turkish Delight knows as growth in Ottoman Empire, carried to Europe with European visitor as named Turkish Delight in 18 th century.Before it was produced by honey or grape molasses after and now, it is produced by refined sugar.Old producers was invite to Ottoman Palace as Confectionery Head for produce to this sweet. This taste comes from Sultans and we give sultans’ taste comes from deepest history.
Topkapi Desire produced by our qualified stuffs by Sugar Carrot Paste, Hazelnut, Coconut content. We can produce them as 250 gr, 500gr. We can produce them according to customer needs as different weight and packaging size.
We produce to Turkish Delight products since 2004 , sell and marketing to our products, with our experience and taste to over the world. We would like to give, more and
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Qualles Danışmanlık Ve Dış Ticaret Hizmetleri talep ve ilanları
Aladdin Baba's Turkish DelightLokum that orginally name of Turkish Delight, comes from Ottoman Language as Rahat Ul Hulkum. This word means, relaxing to mouth. Turkish Delight
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